Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6

I wasn't going to post today because, well, I didn't exactly eat healthy... but at the end of the day, I feel like I would be dishonest with myself and whoever may be reading this if I didn't.
As always, the day started well... my normal shake for breakfast (240), a sandwich and Baked Lays from Subway for lunch (450), and a great workout at the gym (burned 700). Well, then it was date night with Mike and we found ourselves at Cheesecake Factory. Ordinarily, I would allow myself the splurge with Mike without guilt. As you may recall, though, I splurged with my friend on Thursday and after the subsequent gallbladder attack, I wasn't incredibly worried about what I ate yesterday (though I still came in under calories and I did force a workout so that wasn't so so bad). So yes, I'm feeling a bit guilty about the shrimp scampi (which was so good!) and the dessert that we shared. I guess it just rounds out my not-so-disciplined week.
Fortunately, I didn't gain anything this week but as suspected, I didn't lose anything either. No big surprise there. I am oh so very ready to really rock it next week. I have ammended my goal weight and am now working towards 150 instead of the original 155 target. Mike and I are going to Pheonix at the end of July, which I will use as my goal date. That gives me 8 weeks to lose 9 pounds. So very doable.
Tomorrow, I am going to spend time creating a meal plan that I will stick to for the week. That plan will live on the refrigerator, which will also be fully stocked with everything I need to cook said meals. I am going to get rid of some of the carbs I've been eating and incorporate more fruits and veggies throughout the day. I am also going to plan out my workouts in my new workout journal (which I will also use to jot down what I eat when I eat it so I don't forget at the end of the day). I learned some great new moves today with the personal trainer that I will work into my program. Time to totally change it up, which may mean working out with Mike less to reach my goal, but I knew that day would come eventually. Like I said, it's time to add some Pilates, so that will happen on Monday. Abs 3 days a week at least. Increase my cardio sessions by 5 minutes this week.
Yes, this probably seems a bit difficult to some... maybe you're thinking that you couldn't do it. Really, it's been such a gradual process to get to this level that it doesn't seem like a major stretch. Plus, we all know that the last 10 pounds is the hardest so I definitely have to really step up my game and stick to it. It will be very worth it, just like every bit of effort I've made so far has been. So... here we go...

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