Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5

Well, gallbladder attacks always leave my stomach quite uneasy for the rest of the day so I ate what I could today. I had my usual breakfast (Isagenix shake), snacked on some cheerios later, forced myself to eat a turkey dog for a late lunch (really not good on an unsettled stomach but I haven't gone grocery shopping in a while!), shared a smoothie with Mike at the gym before our swim, and ate a few shrimp and a handful of french fries for dinner (Again, wasn't ideal on my stomach but I couldn't think of anything that I wanted and it was what Mike decided upon.) I'm not even going to count it all up because I know it wasn't enough and I'm not going to stress it today-- wasn't feeling well, what can ya do?
It's been a little bit of an off week for me altogether. Sure, I've watched my calories and I have worked out every day, but I haven't put 100% into it this week. If I haven't lost anything for tomorrow's weigh-in, I won't be at all surprised. That's perfectly ok, though. It's probably good to relax a little here and there. I'll just make next week that much better. For one thing, I need to meal plan and stick to the plan. I also need to make sure I have lots of fruits and veggies on hand so I munch on those instead of Lacey's crackers. I'm excited to start some group pilates classes next week. I know I'm going to look ridiculous for a while, but the results will be worth it. I need to make sure I stick to my cardio plan too-- I cut one cardio workout short and then I didn't do cardio at all yesterday. To be honest, I sort of love when I have a lax week here or there because it makes me all the more motivated to do better the following week, which always brings great results. That's life, I guess-- always trying to do a little better than we did the day before. So here's to a better tomorrow... *clink*!

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