Thursday, June 11, 2009

July 11... one of those days

Isagenix shake- 240
Celery w/pb- 64
Ham & chicken sandwich- 160
Protein shake- 200
4 fresco style crunchy tacos from Taco Bell- 600
Misc. munching- 200

Total: 1464
Burned: 680 (45-minute run)

Despite the perspective I gained at the end of yesterday, today was a somewhat frustrating day... not because of eating healthy and working out, but just because it was one of those days (which always seems to affect the eating healthy and working out in a bad way). The storm kept me up last night and led me to sleep somewhat uncomfortably on the couch (it's darker in the living room than our bedroom when lightning strikes over and over again). Then it rained for the first half of the day, which kept Lacey and I inside for entirely too long. I had no desire to run and never gained the desire... just did it anyway. Mike is gone until 11:00 tonight, so I ran to Taco Bell and was quite hungry and maybe a little tense by the time I got there so I may have consumed a few too many dinner calories in a not-so-good way. Oh well! Still didn't go over so no harm done.
And now, the day is coming to a peaceful end... as soon as Lacey stops screaming, anyway! Haha! She is so used to Mike putting her to bed that she gets quite angry when I do it. Poor thing. That's her Daddy time so it makes me sad that she doesn't get it tonight... she seems to share in that sentiment. But, she'll be asleep soon, the house is (relatively) clean, candles lit, and I'm all by myself. I'm sure Josh Groban will be singing to me at some point in the evening. Love those kinds of nights! (Although I would so much rather have my husband with me!)
Wow, she is getting really good a pitching fits! Maybe I should go rock her a bit longer.... giving in, maybe, but she doesn't get Daddy so I do have sympathy for the poor girl. Good night all!

1 comment:

  1. It took more than an hour for her to finally fall asleep. She screamed through much of it. So much for that quiet and relaxing evening.
