Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3

Isagenix shake- 240 cals
Apple- 50 cals
1 tbsp. pb- 90 cals
Granola bar- 140 cals
Turkey dog- 45 cals
Bun- 120 cals
Crackers- 200 cals
Taco night- app. 450 cals

Total: 1335 so far... I'll probably have a light snack
Burned: 817

I met with the trainer today for one of my 3 free training sessions. We basically just went over some things today-- did a body age test, reviewed what I've been doing and what my goals are and gave her an idea of what kind of help I need. The body age test was interesting-- it comprised of a flexibility test, a 5-minute cardio test, a strength measurement , and body fat measurement. According to the results, my body is 23-years-old. The cardio test results were great. The strength results were good, but could have been better. As far as flexibility goes, I'M SO NOT!! It was pitiful, really. I've known this about myself but just haven't done anything about it. If I was where I should be in that department, my body age would be 18. Yeah, I could go with having the body of an 18-year-old! (Not that 27 is bad, but I'm only gonna get older!) So I repent and resolve to stretch after every workout. I'm also going to take up pilates beginning next week. I'm sure I'll look ridiculous because of how flexible I am not, but we all start somewhere, right? As the trainer said, it's sort of stupid that I take such good care of myself in other areas but I neglect that aspect of my fitness. It is important and thus I will pay more attention to it.
The body fat part was shocking to me. According to her measurement, I'm at 18.6%! I certainly would not have guessed that it would be so low. I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate, although the trainer assured me that she does it a lot and she's usually quite accurate.... but I continue to have my doubts, mostly due to the fact that I still have some fat around my stomach and legs. Maybe I'm in better shape than I think I am??? The combination of being over weight for so long and having been pregnant may mean that I just have loose skin which could account for the discrepancy between what I see and what the trainer says. I actually hope that's not the case because there's not a whole lot you can do about that unless you want surgery... which I don't. For now, I'll just enjoy the idea that I'm at 18.6% and the encouragement that comes with it. I still have 5-10 pounds that I want to lose and I'll continue to work hard, of course. I'm not shooting for perfection here, but I do want to be the best that I can be and I still have a bit more work until I'm there. I remain thrilled with how far I've come and I certainly don't take anything away from that. There's always room for improvement, though, so that's what I aim to do.
I'll meet with Dana again on Saturday for a workout. I'm looking forward to learning some things that I can do to change things up a bit more. I'll let ya know how that goes.
Good night!

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