Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 4. Oh so tired.

Today started well...
Isagenix shake- 240 cals
Midmorning snack- Apple w/ pb- 155 cals
10 almonds preworkout- 70 cals
Pb&J sandwich- 100 cals
..... and it went downhill from there. I didn't eat enough for lunch and was thus pretty hungry when I finally got out of the house this afternoon. I stopped at McD's and ate a kids hamburger. 250 cals... not sooo bad, but certainly not great. But it tasted quite good. I love those stupid little burgers!
Then tonight, I ate dinner with a good friend of mine who happened to be in town this weekend for a scrapbooking convention. It was SO good to see her! She was one of my first roommates in college and I hadn't seen her in nearly 6 years! We ate at a yummy Italian restaurant and I definitely had my splurge meal tonight- very tasty pasta with chicken, sundried tomatoes spinach, and don't forget the cheesy creamy sauce. Mmmm! I filled up on salad before the entree so that I wouldn't eat too much of the pasta so that saved me a few calories but it still definitely sent me over my calorie limit for the day! All in good fun, though, and I don't regret it... or the treat we had at Sonic later. :) Definitely have to be good through the weekend though. I can do it!

And just for my own little pat-on-the-back, I will proudly announce that my entire house is clean. All at once! Even the dreaded office that is never clean! When does that happen? Um, how 'bout when Nora is occupied with out-of-town visitors for the last two weeks?! I'm so productive when we can't play, but I'm running out of things to clean so Nora, NO MORE GUESTS! :) Just kidding! But if you see me cleaning my garage this weekend, you'd better come save me. Hehe!

Good night all!

1 comment:

  1. You're so funny! Better enjoy that clean house this week, because it's time to play, play, play for the rest of the summer!
