Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 24

English muffin w/ pb- 140
Milk- 40
Fruit bar- 120
Almonds- 70
Pasta primavera- 250
Protein shake- 120
Crackers- 120
On the Border Chicken Fajita Tacos- 450
And I enjoyed my little treat when I came home-- low-fat ice cream with a splash of root beer- 180

Total: 1490
Burned: 700

And because Courtney requested that I start including it, I'll post my workout for the day:

Started with 1/2 hour run in heart rate zone 2 (172-178 bpm)... I normally do the cardio after my weight session but I wasn't going to have time so I went up before Mike joined me for our arm and chest workout. (Mike does chest on Mondays but I want 3 days of cardio so I condense my workouts on my strength days)

Skull crushers-
3 sets * 35 lb curved bar * 12 reps
Jumped rope between sets
Supersetted w/ dumb bell chest press-
3 sets * 20 lb dumb bells * 10 reps

Decline skull crushers (got on a decline bench to work the triceps at a different angle for different emphasis)-
3 sets * 35 lb bar * 10 reps
Jumped rope between sets
Supersetted w/ decline chest press machine
3 sets * 40 lb * 10 reps

Incline alternating bicep dumbell curl-
3 sets * 15 lb (each arm) * 12-15 reps
Jumped rope between sets
Supersetted w/ free motion chest press machine-
3 sets * 50 lb * 12 reps

Bicep hammer curl on preacher bench-
3 sets * 15 lbs * 12- 15 reps each arm
Jumped rope between sets
Supersetted w/ bench press-
3 sets * 45 lbs * 15 reps

That's it for the chest workout today...

Precor tricep extension-
3 sets * 50 lb * 15 reps

Supersetted with

Precor bicep curl-
3 sets * 40 lb * 12 reps

Freemotion alternating tricep extension machine-
3 sets *25 lb * 15 reps

Supersetted with

Freemotion alternating bicep curl machine-
3 sets * 20 lb * 15 reps

There ya have it. If you have a question about what any particular exercise is, let me know and I'll answer it. A lot of these machines aren't available at other gyms, so if you want to do something similar, you'll just have to get creative... or join us at the Lifetime!! You know you wanna!!!
As you can see, we do four exercises for each body part. Some of the exercises are similar in nature, but each works the muscle in a little different way. This week was not heavy weights or high reps-- just right there in the middle. I try to vary that up so next week will look a little different. We do vary our exercises some from week to week as well so that we can constantly shock our bodies. That's pretty essential to see results, whether it's weight loss, added strength, or muscle growth. This certainly isn't the only way to work out, but it's how we do it and it seems to be working for us. I'm always up for giving pointers and advice, though I'm certainly no pro, so take it for what it's worth. All I know is what I've learned and what works for me. Hope you're all doing well in your goals as well!

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