Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29

English muffin w/ pb- 150
Mid-morning snack:
Watermelon- 60
Almonds- 140
Salmon salad... wasn't very hungry at that point so I didn't eat much-- maybe 200 cals
Protein shake- 120 cals
One of Lacey's chicken fingers and a few baked lays- 160
Pizza night with the niece and nephew. My wonderful husband also stopped at Subway for me and retrieved a 6" ham sandwich- 290 cals
Buuuuuuuut... the pizza was SCREAMING my name! And, I hadn't eaten much throughout the day so I indulged...
Small piece of pepperoni- 220 cals
1 piece of cheese- 210
(Incidentally, I dicsovered that one piece of pizza actually has fewer calories than the sandwich. Next time, maybe one piece of pizza and some salad would be more satisfying and less calorie loaded.)

1550 calories at the end of the day. Hey, not bad for indulging in pizza! And I burned 1000 calories during my workout today. Yeah, no wonder I was so hungry by dinner! I worked my shoulders, back and chest today. My weight workout alone burned 600 calories because I kept my heart rate going the whole time. I started with a five-minute run to warm up and then I jumped rope between many sets and supersetted the rest. A much more efficient way to workout. Yesterday during my arm workout, I just did the weights with no cardio in between and little supersetting and only burned 180 calories (but then I ran to burn some more)-- so my point is to keep the heart rate going for a much better calorie burn. I then came home and ran for half an hour.
Oh, and the good news: I stepped on the scale today and it said 159.5.... which means that I FINALLY broke the 160 barrier! (Barely, I realize, but it counts!) I am now only 4 1/2 pounds from my original goal. WAHOO!!! Won't be long... and then we'll see where I want to go from there. I just can't believe that when I started, I wanted to lose 50 pounds... I never thought I would get to the point when I only had 5 left. Such a great feeling! Totally worth everything it has taken to get here. Now I just have to get the rest of the way. Stay tuned!
Btw- I really want a diet dp right now........... Sonic is so close....... hmmmmmmmmm

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