Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21

Isagenix shake- 240 cals
Midmorning snack:
Fruit bar- 130 cals
Almonds- 150
Chicken sandwich with spinach, avocado, and miracle whip- 240 cals
Afternoon snack:
Protein shake- 120 cals
On the Border Chicken Salsa Fresca- I may have eaten 460 cals of that meal... it wasn't good but I was hungry
Ate some animal crackers when I got home from dinner cuz I was still hungry! 200 cals

Total: 1540
Burned 590 at the gym with a great run. Still falling short of the number of calories I'm told to get, but I don't feel like I'm starving myself by any means so I'm not going to stress about it. If it seems weird that I drink shakes during the day, it's really only because of the simplicity of them. I like getting the protein for breakfast but I'm just not an egg in the morning person. It's also quite easy to mix a shake up really quick, I know how many calories they are, and I like them.
As for the vitamins I take, I'm currently taking the GNC prenatal vitamin pack, which includes a fish oil pill and a calcium pill. Obviously I'm not pregnant, but I will be by the end of the year and it's always good for women to get those extra vitamins anyway. I also take a liver and kidney detox pill because of my gallbladder problems and some natural supplements for the same reason. I've kind of been slacking on taking everything lately so I need to get back to it... shame on me. There are a lot of great vitamins out there with all sorts of good stuff, but they can be very pricey. We'll probably start looking for a better vitamin for me soon so I'll let you know what we find, but the ones I'm taking aren't bad. As for the protein powder that we drink, incase you're interested, it's the Beverly International which is one of the best. Very low in carbs and calories but tastes great, even in water. I recommend protein shakes for people who do a lot of weight lifting like we do.
Ok, girls night out went way past my bed time so I'm off... more tomorrow!

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