Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2

I am soooooooooooo sick of apple juice!!! Seriously, it's just painful drinking so much. All of this sugar is making me feel ill. It's sort of unfortunate that I'm consuming so many calories in APPLE JUICE! I mean, come on, if I'm going to take in an extra 500 calories a day, I could find something far more enjoyable. Oh well. If this works, then it's completely worth it. Unfortunately, I know that I am not going to lose any weight this week and that in all likelihood, I will have gained a couple of pounds by the end of it. Grrrrr! If I had been able to work out all week, I may have avoided it, but the way I'm feeling (mostly because of the cold) has made it difficult. I did get a run in today. I didn't have an hour's worth of energy in me, so I decided to run a 5K (3.1 miles) in preparation for the race I'm running in just a couple of weeks. On the treadmill, I did it in 25 minutes... losing the cold and the gallstone issues will mean I can probably run it even faster than that. I've never done a 5K race so I'm pretty excited to see how fast I can go. I need to start running outside again a couple of times a week to prepare. I'd be pretty happy if I can do it in under 24 minutes. We'll see!
As for the rest of this week, I'm going to try to work in the rest of the muscle groups that I've missed during tomorrow and Saturdays workouts, as well as getting a couple of hour-long cardio sessions in. I have lost time to make up for! Then I'll hit it really hard again next week and hopefully, I'll hit that 155 mark by the time we go to Pheonix. I know it's ridiculous to obsess over a number, but that was my original goal in all of this so I at least want to get there.
Ok I'm so exhausted and have been rambling here so I'm going to bed... just didn't want to miss another day here so this is what I have to share at this late hour. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! If I am going to waste calories I would at least like to eat them!
    If you get a chance can you post your work outs. I would love it! The deadlifts are killing me by the way. :)
