Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12... Hello again!

OK... after a couple of difficult weeks, I'm back. Also making their return are a four pounds that I worked so hard to lose. With the extra calories from the apple juice and olive oil (I still gag at the thought!), the cold that made it all too easy to lay around the house in my jammies and avoid the gym, and the lack of discipline that ensued as a result, the scale said 162 this morning. That's even hard to type! But, it is what it is and I can only move forward and do my best to undo the damage. I am doing something new this month that should help me get rid of those pounds pretty quickly. You've seen that we drink Isagenix shakes every morning. Well, Isagenix is a product that we've half-heartedly promoted in the office and are considering doing a little more with it. Mike has a couple of patients who have had a lot of success using and selling the product and they'd like to get us to take a more active role with it. We're veeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrry unsure of doing that for various reasons, but we agreed to give it more of a shot to help us reach our goals and then we'll see what we want to do with it from there. For the next month, I am going to be doing a 30-day Isagenix cleanse. It involves replacing two meals a day with the shakes (which really are quite good and pretty filling) and then eating a sensible meal and snacks for the remainder of the day. One day a week, I'll drink this cleanse stuff that will, in theory, rid my body of toxins and all kinds of junk that shouldn't be there. Technically, I'm not supposed to eat much of anything on that day, but we'll see... I'm not into starving myself! I'm sure I'll modify things a bit and add more calories to compensate for my workouts, but it will be interesting to see how this goes. I am hopeful that it will help me to get to that 155 goal by the end of it and that it will help my body to function more effectively. Especially with the gallstones and other digestive problems I have had, it may be just the thing I need. And if anyone else is interested in trying any of these products along with me, we can get you started.

As for the surgery, I have an appointment with an insurance agent tomorrow to change our policy and then a meeting with the surgeon on Wednesday. Hopefully this thing will be out pronto! It's been a year and a half and I am ready to be rid of it! We're hopeful that this won't change plans too drastically but we'll see.....

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