Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Little Triumph

The last week has been filled with very hard work and not as much movement on the scale as I would like to see. 165. Ug. I'm beginning to wonder if there is something hindering my success. I realize of course that I have had a great deal of success so that seems ridiculous, but think about it-- 40 pounds in a year. That's healthy and respectable, I realize, but for as hard as I work, I shouldn't have been stuck for the last several months. I wonder about thyroid issues, or if maybe my infected gallbladder is slowing things down, or if my vitamin deficiency is to blame. Who knows? Perhaps I'll go get some blood work done to see if any of that is possible. I am being much more dedicated recently to taking the supplements for my gallbladder and my vitamins so we'll see if that helps.

Despite all of that, I did have an encouraging day today. I went shopping. Heheee. I bought a few cute outfits from Ann Taylor Loft and required size 8 pants and small tops. Seriously!?!? I mean, I've bought a size 8 before, but I kind of thought it was a fluke. Now, everything that fit was size 8. WAHOO! More exciting was that the size SIX (had to spell it out so I could capitalize it for effect) dress that I tried on totally fit. SIZE SIX!!!! Unfortunately, their dresses aren't quite long enough so I didn't purchase it, but it did fit. Let me just tell you that never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would fit into a size 6 anything. Quite frankly, I thought that hoping for size 8 was kind of pushing it and that size 10 would be my happy place. Nope! It's very exciting to be here. I love trying things on and having them fit and look great. My mother can tell you that shopping with me used to be rather on the depressing side because of my mood but, unfortunately for Mike, that is no longer the case. So with that triumph, and the fact that I did lose half an inch around my waist in the last week or so, I will continue moving forward and not giving in to discouragement.

As for what this week entails, so far it's fairly similar to last week. I couldn't make it to the weight lifting class yesterday so I did my own full-body weight routine and I ran four miles. Today, I did a major leg workout with about 25 minutes of cardio... didn't add any more in because Mike was home with Lacey and I needed to relieve him. Tomorrow, I'll run 6 miles, more if I have it in me, and do a good ab workout. Thursday: arms, abs, run 5 miles. Friday: Back, chest, shoulders, 45-minutes of cardio, and Saturday I'll run another 6 or 7 miles and work the abs. Oh, and because I didn't report from last week, I did exceed my goal of running 20 miles. I ran 24. We'll see how many I end up doing this week.

Food: Monday: Boston Market roasted chicken, green beans, and new potatoes. Tuesday: tacos. Wednesday: Chicken tortilla soup. Thursday: The pork that I never made last week. Leftovers for the weekend.

There you have it. Let's kick butt this week!

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